Art Friday
An ongoing course where you will develop your artistic skills in more depth by studying drawing, painting and printmaking. Learn essential creative skills such a developing ideas in a sketchbook and working experimentally.
You can purchase a four week block of classes and join the course at any time. Please contact me for more information.
An ongoing course where you will develop your artistic skills in more depth by studying drawing, painting and printmaking. Learn essential creative skills such a developing ideas in a sketchbook and working experimentally.
You can purchase a four week block of classes and join the course at any time. Please contact me for more information.
An ongoing course where you will develop your artistic skills in more depth by studying drawing, painting and printmaking. Learn essential creative skills such a developing ideas in a sketchbook and working experimentally.
You can purchase a four week block of classes and join the course at any time. Please contact me for more information.